WOOT: Obsidian Properties are available to all!

Hello there! đź‘‹

HUGE news to start off the month. Obsidian Properties, which have been in development for the last couple of months, are now available to everyone.

If you're running Obsidian and haven't tried Properties yet, then better update your app!

Also, a little humble brag: I wrote an article about Properties four weeks ago (linked below), and at the time I said this:

Note: at the time of writing, Properties haven’t been released to the public. If you want access to them, you can become an insider or wait until the public release (likely towards the end of this month).

When did Properties release? On August 31st, literally the end of the month.

Psychic or lucky? You decide.

Obsidian Properties

I'm a huge fan of Properties. I think they take Obsidian to the next level.

If you haven't seen them yet, here's what they look like:

Here's what that data used to look like:

HUGE difference in visuals, and they're a lot easier to use now too.

If you want to learn how, check out our Introduction to Obsidian Properties.

After reading that article, if you still want more, check out our Five Pro Tips for Obsidian Properties.


​Saving Articles in Obsidian​

Do you have too many tabs open?

Too many interests?

Me too. I used to have 100+ tabs open on both my computer and my phone.

I had “Too good to close” syndrome. I would find an article and, instead of saving it to a trusted system, I would hoard it. Like a dragon on a pile of gold.

​Clipping Articles into Obsidian​

Have you ever wanted to copy a whole article into your Obsidian vault?

This is referred to as “clipping”, as if you cut an article out of a newspaper and pasted it into your scrapbook.

If that sounds interesting to you, then read this article. We’ll discuss the many different ways for clipping articles into Obsidian.

That's it for now! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to hit reply.



Hi! I'm Tim.

I'm a web developer, an avid note taker, and I run a website called Obsidian.Rocks.

Read more from Hi! I'm Tim.

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