
Hi! I'm Tim.

Emails in Obsidian, the Command Palette, Templates, and more...

Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Hello all!

Happy end of October. Hope you are happy and well, wherever you happen to be!

This month I've been thinking about email. Love it or hate it, email is a fact of life for many of us.

And I can't help shake the thought that Obsidian could make email better, if I could just figure out how.

So I looked into it, and found... not a lot of interest.

There are a few email plugins out there, but they have very few downloads, clearly not plugins that are in widespread use.

What's up with that??

From what I have seen, there's really only one good solution to emails and Obsidian right now, and that is Readwise. We've talked about Readwise before, but in case you don't know: you can forward any email to Readwise, highlight it in their reader tool, and import those highlights into Obsidian. That's pretty handy, but I'd like to find a solution that doesn't depend on a third-party service.

I do from time-to-time copy and paste emails into my notes, but the utility of that is limited. Handy to keep a reference from time to time, but it doesn't allow me to clear out my inbox much faster.

So I have a question for you: have you found a good solution for email and Obsidian? If so, feel free to email me back or hit me up on Twitter/X. I'd love to hear how or if you integrate email with Obsidian!

What's new on Obsidian Rocks? Well, it's been a busy month over there...

For Beginners and Pros Alike: The Command Palette in Obsidian

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, if you want to get the most out of Obsidian, you need to learn how to use the command palette. What is the command palette?

Finding Old Notes in Obsidian with Dataview

The first challenge when it comes to note-taking is writing notes. Note-taking doesn’t work if all you do is collect, you also have to sit down and write. The second challenge is remembering what you write.

This article teaches you how to make interactive dashboards in Obsidian. Custom dashboards like this are a feature I haven't seen in any other app!

Getting Started with Templates in Obsidian

If you’re new to Obsidian, the first thing I recommend is to start creating notes.

There is no better way to learn how to use a tool than jumping in! It doesn’t matter what your notes contain at the moment, that will come later.

But once you've created anywhere from 10-100, the next thing I recommend is to standardize your notes using templates.

And that's all for now! As always, you can find all the updates to the site over at Obsidian.Rocks.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to hit reply! I'd love to hear from you.

Ciao ~


Hi! I'm Tim.

I'm a web developer, an avid note taker, and I run a website called Obsidian.Rocks.

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